Oracle 10g introduced MODEL clause to simulate spreadsheet like calculations in SQL . It is complex but yet powerful . There us a chapter on this clause in the dataware housing guide .
I really wish this ( along with analytics) should be moved to Application Developers Guide
Here is an example ... In the following example , we create a new column called new_sal , and give all the employees 50% rise ( .. in this economy , this will be a jackpot... )
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7782 CLARK 10 2450 3675
7934 MILLER 10 1300 1950
7839 KING 10 5000 7500
7902 FORD 20 3000 4500
7566 JONES 20 2975 4462.5
7788 SCOTT 20 3000 4500
7876 ADAMS 20 1100 1650
7369 SMITH 20 800 1200
7844 TURNER 30 1500 2250
7900 JAMES 30 950 1425
7698 BLAKE 30 2850 4275
7521 WARD 30 1250 1875
7499 ALLEN 30 1600 2400
7654 MARTIN 30 1250 1875
14 rows selected.
1 SELECT empno,ename , deptno, sal , new_sal
2 FROM scott.emp
4 PARTITION BY (empno , ename , sal)
5 DIMENSION BY (deptno)
6 MEASURES (sal new_sal) IGNORE NAV
7 RULES ( new_sal[10] = CV(sal) * 1.5)
8* ORDER BY deptno
SQL> /
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7934 MILLER 10 1300 1950
7902 FORD 10 3000 4500
7844 TURNER 10 1500 2250
7788 SCOTT 10 3000 4500
7900 JAMES 10 950 1425
7698 BLAKE 10 2850 4275
7369 SMITH 10 800 1200
7654 MARTIN 10 1250 1875
7876 ADAMS 10 1100 1650
7782 CLARK 10 2450 3675
7521 WARD 10 1250 1875
7839 KING 10 5000 7500
7499 ALLEN 10 1600 2400
7566 JONES 10 2975 4462.5
7902 FORD 20 3000 3000
7369 SMITH 20 800 800
7788 SCOTT 20 3000 3000
7566 JONES 20 2975 2975
7876 ADAMS 20 1100 1100
7521 WARD 30 1250 1250
7499 ALLEN 30 1600 1600
7900 JAMES 30 950 950
7844 TURNER 30 1500 1500
7654 MARTIN 30 1250 1250
7698 BLAKE 30 2850 2850
25 rows selected.
1 SELECT empno,ename , deptno, sal , new_sal
2 FROM scott.emp
3 MODEL return updated rows
4 PARTITION BY (empno , ename , sal)
5 DIMENSION BY (deptno)
6 MEASURES (sal new_sal) IGNORE NAV
7 RULES ( new_sal[10] = CV(sal) * 1.5)
8* ORDER BY deptno
SQL> /
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7934 MILLER 10 1300 1950
7499 ALLEN 10 1600 2400
7566 JONES 10 2975 4462.5
7521 WARD 10 1250 1875
7782 CLARK 10 2450 3675
7876 ADAMS 10 1100 1650
7839 KING 10 5000 7500
7369 SMITH 10 800 1200
7698 BLAKE 10 2850 4275
7900 JAMES 10 950 1425
7788 SCOTT 10 3000 4500
7844 TURNER 10 1500 2250
7902 FORD 10 3000 4500
7654 MARTIN 10 1250 1875
14 rows selected.
You can go for iterations using MODEL clause.
SQL> SELECT value_below_breakeven , num_iterations, breakeven_value FROM dual
3 DIMENSION BY (1 breakeven_value)
4 MEASURES (500 value_below_breakeven, 0 num_iterations)
5 RULES ITERATE (20) UNTIL (value_below_breakeven[1]<=1)
6 (value_below_breakeven[1] = value_below_breakeven[1]/2,
7 num_iterations[1] = num_iterations[1] + 1);
--------------------- -------------- ---------------
.9765625 9 1
Here are the iteration and its value.
Good luck with the MODEL clause.
I really wish this ( along with analytics) should be moved to Application Developers Guide
Here is an example ... In the following example , we create a new column called new_sal , and give all the employees 50% rise ( .. in this economy , this will be a jackpot... )
SQL> SELECT empno,ename , deptno, sal , new_sal
2 FROM scott.emp
4 PARTITION BY (empno , ename , sal)
5 DIMENSION BY (deptno)
6 MEASURES (sal new_sal) IGNORE NAV
7 RULES ( new_sal[ANY] = CV(sal) * 1.5)
8 ORDER BY deptno;
2 FROM scott.emp
4 PARTITION BY (empno , ename , sal)
5 DIMENSION BY (deptno)
6 MEASURES (sal new_sal) IGNORE NAV
7 RULES ( new_sal[ANY] = CV(sal) * 1.5)
8 ORDER BY deptno;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7782 CLARK 10 2450 3675
7934 MILLER 10 1300 1950
7839 KING 10 5000 7500
7902 FORD 20 3000 4500
7566 JONES 20 2975 4462.5
7788 SCOTT 20 3000 4500
7876 ADAMS 20 1100 1650
7369 SMITH 20 800 1200
7844 TURNER 30 1500 2250
7900 JAMES 30 950 1425
7698 BLAKE 30 2850 4275
7521 WARD 30 1250 1875
7499 ALLEN 30 1600 2400
7654 MARTIN 30 1250 1875
14 rows selected.
Now , I can create additional records ( to display... it is not saved into database yet ) by the following SQL . Here , I am assigning all the employees to dept 10 ( in addition to their departments).
For example , you can see the employee highlighted in both depts ( 20 and 10)
1 SELECT empno,ename , deptno, sal , new_sal
2 FROM scott.emp
4 PARTITION BY (empno , ename , sal)
5 DIMENSION BY (deptno)
6 MEASURES (sal new_sal) IGNORE NAV
7 RULES ( new_sal[10] = CV(sal) * 1.5)
8* ORDER BY deptno
SQL> /
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7934 MILLER 10 1300 1950
7902 FORD 10 3000 4500
7844 TURNER 10 1500 2250
7788 SCOTT 10 3000 4500
7900 JAMES 10 950 1425
7698 BLAKE 10 2850 4275
7369 SMITH 10 800 1200
7654 MARTIN 10 1250 1875
7876 ADAMS 10 1100 1650
7782 CLARK 10 2450 3675
7521 WARD 10 1250 1875
7839 KING 10 5000 7500
7499 ALLEN 10 1600 2400
7566 JONES 10 2975 4462.5
7902 FORD 20 3000 3000
7369 SMITH 20 800 800
7788 SCOTT 20 3000 3000
7566 JONES 20 2975 2975
7876 ADAMS 20 1100 1100
7521 WARD 30 1250 1250
7499 ALLEN 30 1600 1600
7900 JAMES 30 950 950
7844 TURNER 30 1500 1500
7654 MARTIN 30 1250 1250
7698 BLAKE 30 2850 2850
25 rows selected.
If I am interested only the records that were impacted by this rule , I can run the following SQL.
1 SELECT empno,ename , deptno, sal , new_sal
2 FROM scott.emp
3 MODEL return updated rows
4 PARTITION BY (empno , ename , sal)
5 DIMENSION BY (deptno)
6 MEASURES (sal new_sal) IGNORE NAV
7 RULES ( new_sal[10] = CV(sal) * 1.5)
8* ORDER BY deptno
SQL> /
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7934 MILLER 10 1300 1950
7499 ALLEN 10 1600 2400
7566 JONES 10 2975 4462.5
7521 WARD 10 1250 1875
7782 CLARK 10 2450 3675
7876 ADAMS 10 1100 1650
7839 KING 10 5000 7500
7369 SMITH 10 800 1200
7698 BLAKE 10 2850 4275
7900 JAMES 10 950 1425
7788 SCOTT 10 3000 4500
7844 TURNER 10 1500 2250
7902 FORD 10 3000 4500
7654 MARTIN 10 1250 1875
14 rows selected.
You can go for iterations using MODEL clause.
If I have a initial value of 500 and if reduce that value by 50% in each iteration , then at the 9th iteration , the values goes below 1.
SQL> SELECT value_below_breakeven , num_iterations, breakeven_value FROM dual
3 DIMENSION BY (1 breakeven_value)
4 MEASURES (500 value_below_breakeven, 0 num_iterations)
5 RULES ITERATE (20) UNTIL (value_below_breakeven[1]<=1)
6 (value_below_breakeven[1] = value_below_breakeven[1]/2,
7 num_iterations[1] = num_iterations[1] + 1);
--------------------- -------------- ---------------
.9765625 9 1
Here are the iteration and its value.
Iteration | Value |
0 | 500 |
1 | 250 |
2 | 125 |
3 | 62.5 |
4 | 31.25 |
5 | 15.625 |
6 | 7.8125 |
7 | 3.90625 |
8 | 1.953125 |
9 | 0.976563 |
Good luck with the MODEL clause.