Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to estimate the size of SYSAUX tablespace.

Starting with Oracle 10g , Oracle introduced SYSAUX  tablespace, where it maintains the information about components that are not MUST for a database to be up and running .

If SYSAUX is not available ,  core functionality is not impacted , but AWR  , ADDM , SQL plan management , Diagnostic Pack , ... .( to name a few )   will be impacted.

Oracle provides a script to estimate the size of the SYSAUX tablespace. This script is located under ORACLE_HOME/admin.

The script interview you with series of questions and comes up with the report.

Here is an example.
Comments welcome...!

c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\RDBMS\ADMIN>sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Sep 22 16:41:23 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> @utlsyxsz
This script estimates the space required for the SYSAUX tablespace.
Specify the Report File Name
The default report file name is utlsyxsz.txt.  To use this name,
press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.

Enter value for report_name:



c:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\RDBMS\ADMIN>type utlsyxsz.txt
SYSAUX Size Estimation Report

Estimated at
16:29:00 on Sep 22, 2011 ( Thursday ) in Timezone -04:00

DB_NAME     HOST_PLATFORM                             INST STARTUP_TIME      PAR
----------- ---------------------------------------- ----- ----------------- ---
* DBDEV     COR-DB02 - Microsoft Windows x86 64-bi     1 12:14:51 (09/16)  NO

Current SYSAUX usage
| Total SYSAUX size:                       1,173.8 MB
| Total size of SM/AWR                       254.9 MB (  21.7% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of SM/OPTSTAT                   264.4 MB (  22.5% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of XDB                          127.8 MB (  10.9% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of SM/ADVISOR                   106.6 MB (   9.1% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of EM                            96.6 MB (   8.2% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of SDO                           45.3 MB (   3.9% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of AO                            41.9 MB (   3.6% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of XSOQHIST                      41.9 MB (   3.6% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of SQL_MANAGEMENT_BASE           28.6 MB (   2.4% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of ORDIM/ORDDATA                 13.6 MB (   1.2% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of LOGMNR                        12.3 MB (   1.0% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of SM/OTHER                       6.4 MB (   0.5% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of SMON_SCN_TIME                  6.3 MB (   0.5% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of JOB_SCHEDULER                  6.2 MB (   0.5% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of PL/SCOPE                       5.9 MB (   0.5% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of XSAMD                          5.1 MB (   0.4% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of EXPRESSION_FILTER              3.6 MB (   0.3% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of TEXT                           3.6 MB (   0.3% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of WM                             2.0 MB (   0.2% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of EM_MONITORING_USER             1.7 MB (   0.1% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of LOGSTDBY                       1.4 MB (   0.1% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of STREAMS                        1.0 MB (   0.1% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of ORDIM                          0.4 MB (   0.0% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of AUTO_TASK                      0.3 MB (   0.0% of SYSAUX )
| Total size of Others                        95.9 MB (   8.2% of SYSAUX )

AWR Space Estimation

| To estimate the size of the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
| in SYSAUX, we need the following values:
|     - Interval Setting (minutes)
|     - Retention Setting (days)
|     - Number of Instances
|     - Average Number of Active Sessions
|     - Number of Datafiles

| For 'Interval Setting',
|   Press to use the current value:     60.0 minutes
|   otherwise enter an alternative
Enter value for interval:

**   Value for 'Interval Setting': 60

| For 'Retention Setting',
|   Press to use the current value:   8.00 days
|   otherwise enter an alternative
Enter value for retention: 30

**   Value for 'Retention Setting': 30

| For 'Number of Instances',
|   Press to use the current value:   1.00
|   otherwise enter an alternative
Enter value for num_instances: 1

**   Value for 'Number of Instances': 1

| For 'Average Number of Active Sessions',
|   Press to use the current value:   0.09
|   otherwise enter an alternative
Enter value for active_sessions: 50

**   Value for 'Average Number of Active Sessions': 50

| ***************************************************
| Estimated size of AWR:                   3,558.0 MB
|   The AWR estimate was computed using
|   the following values:
|            Interval -        60 minutes
|           Retention -     30.00 days
|       Num Instances -         1
|     Active Sessions -     50.00
|           Datafiles -         6
| ***************************************************

Optimizer Stat History Space Estimation

| To estimate the size of the Optimizer Statistics History
| we need the following values:
|     - Number of Tables in the Database
|     - Number of Partitions in the Database
|     - Statistics Retention Period (days)
|     - DML Activity in the Database (level)

| For 'Number of Tables',
|   Press to use the current value:  1,114.0
|   otherwise enter an alternative
Enter value for number_of_tables: 2000

**   Value for 'Number of Tables': 2000

| For 'Number of Partitions',
|   Press to use the current value:  1,233.0
|   otherwise enter an alternative

Enter value for number_of_partitions: 2500

**   Value for 'Number of Partitions': 2500

| For 'Statistics Retention',
|   Press to use the current value:     31.0 days
|   otherwise enter an alternative

Enter value for stats_retention:

**   Value for 'Statistics Retention': 31
| For 'DML Activity',
|   Press to use the current value:        2
|   otherwise enter an alternative <1=low, 2=medium, 3=high>
Enter value for dml_activity: 2

**   Value for 'DML Activity': 2

| ***************************************************
| Estimated size of Stats history            146.7 MB
|   The space for Optimizer Statistics history was
|   estimated using the following values:
|                         Tables -   2,000
|                        Indexes -   2,758
|                        Columns -  32,097
|                     Partitions -   2,500
|          Indexes on Partitions -     684
|          Columns in Partitions -  65,142
|        Stats Retention in Days -      31
|          Level of DML Activity -  Medium
| ***************************************************

Estimated SYSAUX usage

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Estimated size of AWR:                   3,558.0 MB
|   The AWR estimate was computed using
|   the following values:
|            Interval -        60 minutes
|           Retention -     30.00 days
|       Num Instances -         1
|     Active Sessions -     50.00
|           Datafiles -         6
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Estimated size of Stats history            146.7 MB
|   The space for Optimizer Statistics history was
|   estimated using the following values:
|                         Tables -   2,000
|                        Indexes -   2,758
|                        Columns -  32,097
|                     Partitions -   2,500
|          Indexes on Partitions -     684
|          Columns in Partitions -  65,142
|        Stats Retention in Days -      31
|          Level of DML Activity -  Medium
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|   For all the other components, the estimate
|   is equal to the current space usage of
|   the component.
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| ***************************************************
| Summary of SYSAUX Space Estimation
| ***************************************************

| Est size of XDB                            127.8 MB
| Est size of SM/ADVISOR                     106.6 MB
| Est size of EM                              96.6 MB
| Est size of SDO                             45.3 MB
| Est size of AO                              41.9 MB
| Est size of XSOQHIST                        41.9 MB
| Est size of SQL_MANAGEMENT_BASE             28.6 MB
| Est size of ORDIM/ORDDATA                   13.6 MB
| Est size of LOGMNR                          12.3 MB
| Est size of SM/OTHER                         6.4 MB
| Est size of SMON_SCN_TIME                    6.3 MB
| Est size of JOB_SCHEDULER                    6.2 MB
| Est size of PL/SCOPE                         5.9 MB
| Est size of XSAMD                            5.1 MB
| Est size of EXPRESSION_FILTER                3.6 MB
| Est size of TEXT                             3.6 MB
| Est size of WM                               2.0 MB
| Est size of EM_MONITORING_USER               1.7 MB
| Est size of LOGSTDBY                         1.4 MB
| Est size of STREAMS                          1.0 MB
| Est size of ORDIM                            0.4 MB
| Est size of AUTO_TASK                        0.3 MB
| Est size of Others                          95.9 MB

| Est size of SM/AWR                       3,558.0 MB
| Est size of SM/OPTSTAT                     146.7 MB
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Total Estimated SYSAUX size:             4,359.1 MB
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| ***************************************************

End of Report


1 comment:

  1. hi what comes under the " Total size of Others"? I am getting 32G used for others...
