Monday, June 16, 2014

XML Schema Support in SQL Server.

SQL Server has increased it support for XML version after version .
From SQL Server 2005 onwards , we can declare xml schema as schema collection and have SQL Server to validate the incoming XML to make sure it conforms to the schema declarations .

Here is an example.

The following creates xml schema called ( movie_collection) . 

2>  CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo.movie_collection AS '
6>  GO

Let us create a table called movies with xml as one of its datatype and to be validated against the xml schema collection created above.

1> CREATE TABLE Movies (
2>      i INT identity(1, 1)
3>      ,dvd XML(movie_collection)
4>      );
6> GO

As the following XML is valid according to the schema , the insert succeeds .

1>  insert into Movies ( dvd) values (
2>  '
4~  Mind your language
6>  )
7>  ;
8>  GO

(1 rows affected)

1> select * from movies;
2> go
i dvd
- ---
 Mind your language

(1 rows affected)

Now , let us  try insert someother xml which does not conform to the schema .

1>  insert into Movies ( dvd) values (
2>  '
4~  Tamil Padam
6>  )
7>  ;
8>  GO
Msg 6913, Level 16, State 1, Server ITACS-225, Line 1
XML Validation: Declaration not found for element 'dvdame'. Location: /*:dvdame[1]

With the above mentioned approach , we can easily manage XML in SQL Server.
Comments welcome.

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