Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Stored procedure cannot be the input to the Python script in MS SQL Server

I am in the journey of using python in MS SQL Stored procedures.

I am big fan of stored procedures since my earlier days in Sybase in 1993 up till now. 
The same for Oracle packages and procedures. 
With stored procedures , we can encapsulate all the business and data logic.
Being the stored procedure is inside the database , the data and logic is secure , highly performant and so on. 
In essence , it is an API that can be called from any languages / tools. 

MS SQL server started supporting embedding python scripts in T-SQL. 
Unfortunately , the input for the python cannot be stored procedure. 
Hopefully , it is changed in the coming releases. 

Here we go 

a) We will create a table emp with 2 records in it. 

C:\>sqlcmd -W -S DBSER\SQL2019DEV -d rptsdb
2> select * from emp;
3> go
id fname lname
-- ----- -----
1 Jane Doe
1 John Doe

(2 rows affected)

b) Create python external script with simple select as the input. 

1> EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script @language = N'Python',
2> @script = N'
3~ ## print(InputDataSet)
4~ OutputDataSet = InputDataSet
5~ ',
6> @input_data_1 = N'SELECT fname  , lname  FROM emp  ORDER BY 1;'
7> WITH RESULT SETS ((  fname nvarchar(50), lname nvarchar(50)     ));
8> go

fname lname
----- -----
Jane Doe
John Doe

(2 rows affected)

c) Create stored procedure to list the records from the table 'emp' 

1> create procedure p_emp_list
2> as
3> begin
4> SELECT fname , lname
5> FROM  emp
6> end;
7> go

1> exec p_emp_list;
2> go

fname lname
----- -----
Jane Doe
John Doe

(2 rows affected)

d) Let us use the above stored procedure as the input to Python script 

1> EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script @language = N'Python',
2> @script = N'
3~ ## print(InputDataSet)
4~ OutputDataSet = InputDataSet
5~ ',
6> @input_data_1 = N'exec p_emp_list;'
7> WITH RESULT SETS ((  fname nvarchar(50), lname nvarchar(50) ));
8> go

Msg 39001, Level 16, State 2, Server DBSER\SQL2019DEV, Line 1
Only SELECT statement is supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
Msg 11536, Level 16, State 1, Server DBSER\SQL2019DEV, Line 1
EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified 1 result set(s), but the statement only sent 0 result set(s) at run time.

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