Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Strange issue with Informatica Secure Agent Installation

Most of the time , copy and paste is a life saver. Sometimes , this could get tricky. 

Recently , we were installing Informatica Secure Agent ( IICS) in one of our servers.

We followed the instructions in Informatica Documentation.


Copied the command in step5 , as below. 

We ran into this issue. 

[usr@agentserver]$ ./agent64_install_ng_ext.6425.bin –i console

Preparing to install

Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...

Unpacking the JRE...

Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...

Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

Usage: agent64_install_ng_ext.6425 [-f <path_to_installer_properties_file> | -options]

            (to execute the installer)

where options include:

    -?          show this help text

    -h          show this help text

    -help       show this help text

    --help      show this help text

    -i [gui | console | silent]

            specify the user interface mode for the installer


            specify installer properties

    -r <path_to_generate_response_file>

            Generates response file.

JVM heap size options are only applicable to Installers

    -jvmxms <size>

            Specify JVM initial heap size.

    -jvmxmx <size>

            Specify JVM maximum heap size.

The options field may also include the following in case of uninstaller

if it is enabled for Maintenance Mode

    -add <feature_name_1> [<feature_name_2 ...]

            Add Specified Features

    -remove <feature_name_1> [<feature_name_2 ...]

            Remove Specified Features


            Repair Installation




    1. the path to the installer properties file may be either absolute,

       or relative to the directory in which the installer resides.

    2. if an installer properties file is specified and exists, all other

       command line options will be ignored.

    3. if a properties file named either '' or

       <NameOfInstaller>.properties resides in the same directory as the

       installer, it will automatically be used, overriding all other command

       line options, unless the '-f' option is used to point to another valid

       properties file.

    4. if an installer properties file is specified but does not exist, the

       default properties file, if present, will be used.  Otherwise, any

       supplied command line options will be used, or if no additional

       options were specified, the installer will be run using the default


Apparently , this is an issue , when we copy/paste the command.

When we keyed in the same command , the install was successful. 

[usr@agentserver]$ ./agent64_install_ng_ext.6425.bin -i console

Preparing to install

Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...

Unpacking the JRE...

Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...

Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...


Informatica Cloud Secure Agent                   (created with InstallAnywhere)


Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...



Installation Complete


Congratulations. Informatica Cloud Secure Agent has been successfully

I checked the command for non printable characters when copied it. Nothing.

Everything seemed to be fine.

Anyways , sharing this post , if it is going to be helpful to others. 

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