Monday, December 15, 2014

Filtered index in SQL Server / Oracle's equivalent

One of my favorite things in SQL Server is Filtered index .  Filtered index helps us in higher selectivity and also in decreased storage consumption , if the  query criteria looks only for pre defined. sub set of data . 

Let us say , you got a table of 50 million records , out of which only 50,000 are active records  and your application only looks for active records . Then filtered index will make much more sense . 

Here is an example. 



As you can see , there is a significant difference in the index size. 
The query optimizer uses the second indexes , whenever , there is query looks for any ACTIVE product. 

In Oracle  , we can simulate the filtered index with Function Based Index . 

SQL> drop table t purge ;

Table dropped.

SQL> Create table t as select * from all_objects ;

Table created.

SQL> Create index idx1_t on t( owner , object_type ) ;

Index created.

SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user , 'T') ;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> analyze index idx1_t validate structure ;

Index analyzed.

SQL> col name format a15
SQL> Select name , height , blocks , lf_rows , lf_blks , btree_space , used_space  from index_stats ;

--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
IDX1_T                   3        384      93172        336     2712096    2415824

Now , let us create a FBI , where I am interested only in 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' of a user. 

SQL> Create index idx2_t on t( owner , case when object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' then 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' end ) ;

Index created.

SQL> analyze index idx2_t validate structure ;

Index analyzed.

SQL> Select name , height , blocks , lf_rows , lf_blks , btree_space , used_space  from index_stats ;

--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
IDX2_T                   2        256      93172        232     1864032    1664870

As you can see, the storage has decreased from 2712096 to 1864032  , leaf blocks from 336 to 232 and also like the height of the index from 3 to 2 , which helps the optimizer to relatively find the data faster. 

Comments welcome.

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