Saturday, December 20, 2014

Partitioning made easy

One of the nice features in Oracle 12c is the easier mainteannace of partitioning operations. 

In pre-12c oracle databases , to add , split , merge the partitions ,  the commands has to be done per partition .  Starting with Oracle 12c , the operations can be done in one single statement.

Let us see an example.

We will create a table range based partitioned table called t_part with two partitions.

SQL> Create table t_part
 2  ( productcode  int ,  productname varchar2(150) , company varchar2(150))
 3  partition by range (productcode)
 4  (
 5  partition product_1000 values less than (1000) ,
 6  partition product_2000 values less than (2000)
 7  )
 8  ;

Table created.

To add partitions in prior to 12c , we would need to issue three statements as below.

SQL> alter table t_part
 2  add partition product_3000 values less than ( 3000) ;

Table altered.

SQL> alter table t_part
 2  add partition product_4000 values less than ( 4000) ;

Table altered.

SQL> alter table t_part
 2  add partition product_5000 values less than ( 5000) ;

Table altered.

For the similar operations in oracle 12c , we can do it in one statement as below. 
In the following example , I am adding five partitions in one statement.

SQL> alter table t_part
 2  add
 3  partition product_6000 values less than ( 6000) ,
 4  partition product_7000 values less than ( 7000) ,
 5  partition product_8000 values less than ( 8000) ,
 6  partition product_9000 values less than ( 9000),
 7  partition product_10000 values less than ( 10000),
 8  partition product_15000 values less than ( 15000)
 9  ;

Table altered.

SQL> insert into t_part
 2  select object_id as productcode
 3  , object_name as productname
 4  , owner as company from all_objects
 5  where object_id <15000 span="">
 6  ;

14602 rows created.
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ( user , 'T_PART') ;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select  table_name , partition_name , num_rows ,
 2  last_analyzed
 3  from user_tab_partitions where table_name ='T_PART'
 4  order by 2 ;

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------
T_PART     PRODUCT_1000                889 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_10000               986 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_15000              4978 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_2000                924 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_3000               1000 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_4000               1000 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_5000               1000 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_6000                985 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_7000                944 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_8000                928 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_9000                968 20-DEC-14

11 rows selected.

Similarly , I can split the partition in one statement as well as shown below.

SQL> alter table t_part
 2  split
 3  partition product_15000
 4  into
 5  (
 6  partition product_11000 values less than ( 11000) ,
 7  partition product_12000 values less than ( 12000) ,
 8  partition product_13000 values less than ( 13000) ,
 9  partition product_14000 values less than ( 14000) ,
10  partition product_15000
11  ) ;

Table altered.

SQL> select  table_name , partition_name , num_rows ,
 2  last_analyzed
 3  from user_tab_partitions where table_name ='T_PART'
 4  order by 2 ;

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------
T_PART     PRODUCT_1000                889 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_10000               986 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_11000
T_PART     PRODUCT_12000
T_PART     PRODUCT_13000
T_PART     PRODUCT_14000
T_PART     PRODUCT_15000
T_PART     PRODUCT_2000                924 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_3000               1000 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_4000               1000 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_5000               1000 20-DEC-14

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------
T_PART     PRODUCT_6000                985 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_7000                944 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_8000                928 20-DEC-14
T_PART     PRODUCT_9000                968 20-DEC-14

15 rows selected.

This enhancement is one of the best in Oracle 12c.

Welcome your comments.

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